Jump Instructions

Jump instructions use direct mode addressing

If you look at "j place", it looks like a branch without the registers

However, where place would be PC-relative mode in the branch, it is direct mode in the jump


        add   $11  $12  $13   # 0x00400000 is the address of this instruction
        j     place           # 0x00400004
        add   $11  $12  $13   # 0x00400008
        add   $11  $12  $13   # 0x0040000C
        add   $11  $12  $13   # 0x00400010
        add   $11  $12  $13   # 0x00400014
place:  add   $11  $12  $13   # 0x00400018

Can we convince ourselves that 0x00400018 ÷ 4 really is 0x00100006 ?